


‘On Fire’ by fetching_tigerss

Defenses, paper thin

butterfly wings, the quickest to get torn

transform into sheets of hardened steel

unwavering and impenetrable by brawn


Defenses, blended and sublime

erupt and march towards the skies

disrupting the rhythm followed for years

like fold mountains when tectonic plates collide.


Defenses, cold as ice

stashed inside an insignificant crevice

flash boil and burn everything in a trice

like molten magma, when nature decides she has had enough


Defenses, dormant for years

too old to be remembered or feared

lose their composure and run wild

like a flock of birds after a gunshot is fired


Defenses – the ever so weak opponent

the one always known to turn tail

turns around suddenly, and delivers a blow

which leaves the almost winner pinned to the floor.


Defenses, tamed and docile

take on the avatar of the fiercest demons that ever walked this earth

when the ones supposed to be trusted

make a spectacle out of the brokenness

and dare take a step in the direction

of the dungeon that holds her vulnerabilities.


The Copper Chick

Love Craze (Collaboration with Hitman and Instagraham)

This has got to be my first ever collaboration with my fellow art-inclined souls. Never really thought a few words scribbled onto a piece of paper could go ahead and create something so beautiful! Check it out guys! Be sure to leave me feedback in comments below.


If you knew what the answer would be
If you knew how the story unfurls beforehand
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How to be ‘Lover Zone’d


It is your first day at college. You see him from across the room, trying to be discreet but definitely staring at you. You revel in the attention. This isn’t new to you anyway…

You make some new friends, hang out with them, and get introduced to this guy via a common friend. You think he is pretty decent. After a couple of days, you see this guy’s friend request on FB. By now, he is an acquaintance, so you click ‘Accept’.

He likes all of your pictures, comments on your shares and statuses, and you guys spend time chatting online.

One day, he asks for your number. He has become a good friend, so you give him. You guys start chatting on WhatsApp. Daily forwards, images, ‘good morning’ texts. The ‘good night’ ones are actually the conversation starters. When it gets late and you politely excuse yourself, he starts yet another interesting topic, and you guys chat for hours. Continue reading